Registered Plan Management Provider

Access to Life

In order to safely store and manage participant information, Access to Life has put in place a comprehensive set of security procedures. Participants’ rights as consumers are protected by Access to Life, and participants are able to make more informed decisions about the services and supports they receive in accordance with their individual plan. Each participant is given the tools they need to make educated decisions with the help of our team.

To ensure that both Access to Life and our providers can agree on the appropriateness of the level of service to be provided, we have established a service agreement. Each of our Participant is free to renegotiate over any part of a service contract. We would like to meet with a participant to discuss and agree on the mode of delivery for plan management services.

Our participants have access to a variety of service delivery options, including in-person meetings, over the phone, and via other technological means, all of which can be tailored to meet their individual preferences and requirements.

Each party’s responsibilities under our Service Agreements are crystal clear. By using these service agreements, we can guarantee that each of our participants knows exactly what to expect from us and how we’ll be able to help them.

Download the Service Agreement and email it back to us on

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Our NDIS Participants can benefit from Access to Life in a number of ways, including but not limited to the following:

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